Moe's Meats

Bone Broth for Your Dog and Cat

Rec bones and chicken feet for the bone broth.
Rec bones and chicken feet for the bone broth.

Bone broth is similar to stock you might make for soup but contains marrow bones and chicken feet which make it a healthy tonic for your pet.

Why bone broth? Why not, says Moe. Bone broth is incredibly health for your dog and cat, regardless of their age. It’s a super inexpensive way for your pet to meet a high standard of nutrition and it’s a great boost to their immune system. It helps with joints, bone density, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases. Bone broth is great for your pet’s digestion and allergies and it’s also a perfect food for aging and sick pets and those that refuse to eat.


After 12 hours of cooking.
After 12 hours of cooking.

Bone Broth Instructions
1. In a croc pot cover with water 2-3 rec bones (marrow beef bones) and 2-3 chicken feet.

2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to help draw the marrow and minerals from the bones.

3. Feel free to add any veggies and herbs that are safe for pets – carrots, parsley,  turmeric, etc. These aren’t necessary but can be a nice nutrient boost for your pet.

4. Set your croc pot to high and cook for 24 – 48 hours. You will need to add water and a splash of more apple cider vinegar during the cooking process.

The thickening of the bone broth. Cooking for 24 hours.
The thickening of the bone broth. Cooking for 24 hours.

5. Once cooled you’ll see a thick layer of fat that sits on top of the yummy broth. Break this off and discard. This is the fat from the bones and, most likely, your pet doesn’t need to be eating a lot of this. If some chunks fall into the broth that’s totally okay.

6. Store in the fridge or freezer and warm prior to serving.

NEVER EVER, not even once, feed your pet the cooked bones.

In our house Moe and his Roommate eat bone broth every morning. Enjoy!


Right out of the croc pot. Still hot!
Right out of the croc pot. Still hot!


Layer of fat once the broth is cooled.
Layer of fat once the broth is cooled.