It’s super expensive. Really! But if you want to do it, here are the steps:
1. The minimum amount of tubes we ship is approximately 9 – 12 tubes (each tube weighing 2 pounds). The amount of tubes varies depending on the current season, which determines how much dry ice and/or gel packs we need to use. In order for the meat to stay frozen, the cooler must be packed with meat, dry ice/gel packs, and possible bubble wrap – any amount of empty space will encourage thaw.
So, the first step is to email us your order. The amount of tubes may need to be slightly changed to fit the cooler and packaging.
2. Once you receive confirmation from us, the next step is to order this styrofoam cooler and have it mailed to Moe’s Meats (we will provide you with our mailing address). Be sure the cooler you are shipping to us has these inside dimensions: 16″x13″x12-1/2″
3. Once the cooler you purchased arrives at Moe’s Meats, we will ship your meat on a Monday or Tuesday using UPS 2nd Day Air.
4. The cost of shipping and handling depends on where you live and how much dry ice/gel packs we need to use to keep your meat frozen. Figure on a cost of $100 – $300. This is an approximate cost.
5. You would pay Moe’s Meats via PayPal prior to us shipping the meat. You will receive a tracking number for your package and we encourage you to be home on the arrival day so you can immediately freeze your meat.
6. Moe’s Meats is not responsible for any damages or thaw that occurs during the shipping.