Moe's Meats

CBD for Dogs and Cats

CBD Treats and CBD Drops for Dogs and Cats at Moe’s Meats.

The CBD drops and CBD treats are made specifically for dogs and cats.

The CBD cat treats, CBD dog treats, and CBD extracts are made with care and balance with a respect toward sustainability.

All CBD products are made with human-grade ingredients. In fact, people can take these products as well.


All CBD products are 3rd party lab tested and verified. You know what you are giving your pet when you purchase CBD products from Moe.

Every CBD product is crafted using sustainable business practices with respect to both the law and science surrounding hemp-derived CBD.

Shipping + handling to any state is between $7.00 – $14.00, depending on the size of your order. If you live in the Portland, Oregon metro area, pickup is in NE Portland off of 15th St.

To learn more, click our Shop CBD page.