Moe's Meats

New to Feeding Raw Meat to your Dog and Cat?

Moe's Meats and Bones - Raw Meat for your Dog and Cat
Moe’s Meats and Bones – Raw Meat for your Dog and Cat

Moe’s Meats and Bones, LLC, is an independent, home-based business operating out of Portland, Oregon, USA. The intent of our website is to provide users with the information they need to make decisions about feeding their dog or cat raw meat. As dog owners we advocate for the raw meat diet; as business owners, we provide resources to help support your own decision, and sell high quality raw meat products at affordable prices.

Choosing to feed your dog or cat raw meat is a serious consideration for any pet owner. We provide resources on our FAQ and Blog pages to help inform your decision as you weigh the pros or cons.
Transitioning your dog or cat from kibble (or a dry diet) to raw can be challenging. We encourage you to start slowly by incorporating a small portion of raw meat into your pet’s normal meal, approximately 1/4 raw, 3/4 dry.
Continue to add more raw, and decrease the amount of dry, for a period of time (at least 5-7 days) before your animal is safely acclimated to the diet.
To start, choose a meat such as chicken that is easier on your dog or cat’s system. Avoid richer meats such as beef, or anything with organs, for the first few meals.
Continue to move slowly and work your way up from there. Sometimes a dog or cat that is new to the raw diet will present some uncharacteristic behavior after a meal, such as a stomach ache, chills, vomiting, diarrhea or excess panting. This is a result of your animal acclimating to a different kind of food. Please consult your holistic vet if you have any concerns.
Consult with your holistic veterinarian before switching to a raw meat diet. If your veterinarian does not agree with this decision and you for a second opinion, we recommend Hawthorne Vet Clinic in SE Portland.