Moe's Meats

Rec Bones for your Dog

Moe chewing on a marrow bone with his roommate in the background.
Moe chewing on a marrow bone with his roommate in the background.

Moe loves his recreational marrow bones and so does your dog!

Recreational bones are a healthy and fun addition to your dog’s raw meat diet. Moe calls these bones TV for dogs because of the hours of entertainment your happy dog will derive from one bone.

Your rec bones from Moe come in a bag containing 2-3 bones, depending on their size. The average size of one bone is about .75 pounds and a bag weighs between 2 – 3.5 pounds.

These bones should be enjoyed outside. Your dog won’t be

Moe cleaning his teeth on a rec bone from Moe's Meats and Bones.
Moe cleaning his teeth on a rec bone from Moe’s Meats and Bones.

consuming the entire bone, instead she’ll be chomping away at the meat and marrow, cleaning her teeth, giving her gums a massage, and her jaw and neck a workout.